Philosophy is wanting to understand.
If I had to define philosophy in a phrase, I would say that philosophy is simply wanting to understand. That's really what "love of wisdom" means.It's really not that complicated.
But as a philosopher I have to add more words.
Philosophy is for anyone who wants to look into things a little deeper, anyone who wants to peel back the way things appear, and anyone who wants to figure out what life is about, what's true, or what's the best way to live. Philosophy is "seeking out everything strange and questionable" (Nietzsche, Ecce Homo, I.iii). Philosophy is a process of questioning the unquestionable that moves forward in logical steps.
Philosophy is not fancy bickering.
What is philosophy not? It's not a bunch of white men with mustaches sitting around in armchairs talking about the distinction between the beauty of ideas and the idea of beauty. (But click here for a hilarious video about that.) It's not trying to be right. It's not using big words to sound smart. It's not being pedantic about insignificant differences and talking past one another. It's not being contrary for the sake of finding something else to talk about.Philosophy is a genuine effort to get into someone else's way of thinking, to see things from their perspective, and, once you actually get onto the same page, to start picking things apart from the inside. But the first step to getting anywhere with philosophy is to put aside your own arrogance.
He said, with complete and utter certainty.
Things are not looking good, here.
Polyamory is consensual non-monogamy.
Polyamory literally means "many loves," and it's the practice of sustaining multiple relationships simultaneously with honesty and integrity. Polyamory, like love, often includes sex but doesn't include it necessarily. The word was first used in the 1980s.
It's interesting that when you search for the definition of polyamory on Google, you get, "the philosophy or state of being in love or romantically involved with more than one person at the same time." So, polyamory is a philosophy.
If I have Google on my side, I'm confident this blog will get at least three hits.
And that's the bare minimum.
Optimism in all things.
This blog talks about how polyamory and philosophy relate.
On this blog, I'll relate polyamory to the thoughts of famous philosophers, sometimes with humor (I'm differently abled and will do what I can), but always with honesty, respect, and a desire to understand what's really going on.
I think that covers it.
On logos
For the discussion of the Greek term, follow this link.Choosing a logo is important, so let me explain why I picked this one.
- Red for "love."
- Heart for "love."
- Pyramid-eye for "knowledge."
- Black for contrast.
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